In the original edition and subsequent, until 1961, the S of the first chapter is a bit higher as well as the M in the 2nd. and the P in the 3rd.chapter, all full-page and a "dot" at the end of episode 17.

They have the function of indicating:

S = Subject = Stephen Dedallus
M = Middle = Molly Bloom
P = Predicate = Poldy's = Lopold Bbloom

Dot = . = Q E D = quod erat demonstandum, which means "which had to be demonstrated" or "it has been proved".

It was a medieval pedagogyl S-M-P indicating the order of cognitive thought that should be learned.

It suggested a logical narrative structure that the reader could see, but the fictional characters completely ignored.

S + M = P or, the "X" of the question is M, Nora Barnacle or Molly...

More information on Ulysses Annotated by Don Gifford, pg 12, under S.

The similarity between Joyce's Ulysses and Homer is more of a structural correlation, and is the same that is used by scholars of the text. It will be used also here. Harry Blamires quotes some remarks from the critical work ob Thomas MacGreevy about Joyce in Our Exagmination Round His Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress, known as Exag, including James Joyce, himself and here it goes:

For Ulysses is an inferno. As Homer sent his Ulysses wandering through the inferno of Greek Mythology and Virgil his Aeneas through one of Roman Mythology so Dante himself voyaged through the inferno of the mediaeval Christian imagination and so Mr. Joyce sent his hero through the inferno of modern subjectivity.

It is very important to note that Blamires think this medieval three tips structuring was not quite achieved by Joyce and the only similarity is structural, as it has already been said.

But that's where the 3 chapters and 18 parts division comes from , with the names extracted from the Ulysses of Homer. Which is what we're using here:

Part Homer's Ulysses adopted episode Page number as at vintage Edition 1961 (brackets [n])
I -Telemachiade Episode 1 - Telemachus 01 - 23
Episode 2 - Nestor 24 - 36
Episode 3 - Proteus 37 - 51
II - Odisseia Episode 4 - Calypso 54 - 70
  Episode 5 - Lotus Eaters 71 - 86
  Episode 6 - Hades 87 - 115
  Episode 7- Aeolus 116 - 150
  Episode 8 Laestrygonians 151 - 183
  Episode 9 - Cila and Caribdis 184 - 218
  Episode 10 - Wandering Rocks 219 - 255
  Episode 11 - Sirens 256 - 291
  Episode 12 - Ciclops 292 - 345
  Episode 13 - Nausicaa 346 - 382
  Episode 14 - Oxen of the Sun 383 - 428
  Episode 15 - Circe 429 - 609
III - Nostros Episode 16 -Eumaeus 612 - 665
  Episode 17 - Itaca 666 - 737
  Episode 18 - Penelope 738 - 782